About the Blog

This blog was started for several reasons:

1.  To demonstrate the relevance of the church and the bible to our current times

One of the biggest problems the church has today is that people no longer think that it is relevant.  That it does not have the answers.  That the bible is not true and God does not exist, or if He exists, then He is far away and doesn't care about what is going on here on Earth.  But that is not the case.

All of the problems of the world today are explained in the bible.  If people would take the time to read the news through the lens of the bible they would see.

2.  To stir Christians to watch and pray

Jesus exhorted us to many times to keep watch and to watch and pray, that we may be ready when he comes again.  Many people in the church today will not be ready when He comes again.  The parable of the 10 virgins likened the odds to 5 in 10 will not be ready.  But go into the churches and their corporate prayer meetings and you will probably find the odds are much higher!  Everybody says they know they are living in end-times but why are they not living their life like it?

3. To Prove the Power of Prayer

There are so many reasons why Christians are not watching and praying.  I believe one of the reasons is that they just simply don't believe prayers are answered!  Sure, in church they profess to believe that prayers are important and that God answers prayers.  But if they really believed that, why are so few praying?

Although these are the 3 primary reasons for starting this blog, at the end of the day all this blogging is just working in the flesh and will not bear any fruit without prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit.

PRAY, pray that the Holy Spirit will work and that there will be fruit, and that that fruit will remain


A Son of God
1 John 3:8b
Romans 8:19

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